Member Services

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These services are available to members of the Utah Radio & Scanner Group (as well as the public at large):

Web Sites


Server: Channel: #utahradio


RR Utah Forum

Special Projects

File Repository

We plan to have a free repository of scanner programming files for the most popular software applications. These files will be set up to get the new user up and running quickly. They also can be used to compare programming styles and options.

RSS2Email Feed

This is primarily used for twitter, but we can consider doing this for any RSS feed you would like. If you want to get UtahAlert twitters delivered to you via e-mail, contact User_talk:RyanSimpkins.

Audio Hosting now accepts MP3s, and includes a built in flash player. Use the <flashmp3>file.mp3</flashmp3> tags to insert an audio file in to a page. Contact User_talk:RyanSimpkins if you need assistance.

Audio Processing

User_talk:RyanSimpkins offers free audio processing on any audio file through his home studio. Including, running it through limiters, filters, file conversion, etc.